ICNA Workshop and 14th TCNM

ICNA Workshop and 14th TCNM
ICNA Workshop and 14thTunisian Child Neurology Meeting Sfax October, 9 and 10, 2015
We are delighted to invite you to the ICNA Workshop and 14thTunisian child neurology meeting, to be held in the city of Sfax in Borj Dhiafa Hôtel (Tunisia), on October, 9 and 10, 2015
The themes of the meeting are “epilepsy in children” and “neuroinfectious diseases”. The scientific program will cover topics relevant to pediatric epilepsy including basic sciences, neurophysiology, classification and good practice recommendations and the neurological manifestations and treatment of infectious diseases.
- Program Organizers
- Pr Chahnez Charfi Triki
- Pr Jo Wilmshurst
- Invited speakers
Banu Anlar (Turkey), Helen Cross (UK), Lieven League (Belgium), Charles Newton (UK), Prathiba Singhi (India), jo Wilmshurst (South Africa).
- Preprogramme : 14th Tunisian Child Neurology meeting – Sfax Tunisia – 9th – 10th October 2015
9th October
8.00: Opening of the ICNA Workshop and 14th Tunisian Child Neurology meeting
8.30: Welcome and introduction to the ICNA Jo Wilmshurst
Chahnez Charfi Triki
9.00: Acute viral encephalitis Charles Newton
9.30 : West Nile encephalitis Chakib Marrakchi
10.00: Encephalitis due to parasites Prathiba Singhi
10.30 : Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Banu Anlar
11.00 : Coffee Break
11.30 : Clinical cases
13.00: Lunch
15.00: Tuberculous meningitis Prathiba Singhi
15.30: Sequelae of the measles outbreaks Sub-acute sclerosing pan encephalitis Banu Anlar
16.00: HIV neurological complications Jo Wilmshurst
16.30: Autism as a sequelae of neuroinfections Charles Newton
10th October
8.30: Epidemiology and etiologies of epilepsy in children
Charles Newton
9.00: Etiologies of Epilepsy in Children Lieven Legae
9.30: How to use classification in clinical practice ? Helen Cross
10.00: Recommendations for management of neonatal and infantile seizures
Jo Wilmshurst
10.30: Coffee Break
11.00: Clinical cases
13.00: Lunch
15.00: What can EEG in children tell us ? Lieven Legae
15.30: How genetic screening can help us in epilepsy in children? Helen Cross
16.00: Epilepsy in transition to adult services Jo Wilmshurst
16.30: Medical treatment: what news for childhood epilepsy? Helen Cross
- Language :
The congress will be conducted in English and French. No translation service will be available.
- Important dates :
- Abstract Deadline: 31th July , 2015
- Early Registration Deadline: 15th August, 2015
- Registration :
- Registration information :
The meeting organizer will confirm all registrations by writing, only once full payment has been received. The registration fees are payable in Tunisian dinars (TND) and will include:
- Admission to all scientific sessions for the duration of the congress
- Congress bag
- Programme, abstract book
- Lunchs and coffee
- Registration fees:
Registration fees | ||
Before Saturday, August, 15, 2015 | After Saturday, August, 15, 2015 | |
Consultants | 300TD | 350DT |
Students/ Residents(with a letter of recommendation) | 250DT | 300DT |
The registration form must be completed in full and returned with proof of payment to the email: neuropediatrietunisie@gmail.com or fax : + 216 74 242 564. You will receive confirmation of registration within 72 hours of submitting your registration form and proof of payment.Registration procedures :
- Cancellation of registration :
Notice of cancellation must be given in writing. Cancellation received by 31st of July 2015 will result in a 25% penalty. Any cancellation received after September, 1st, 2015 will not be eligible for a refund and will result in a 100% cancellation fees.
- Personal insurance :
All delegates are responsible for their own travel insurance, medical insurance and cancellation fees.
- Accommodation :
- Borj Dhiafa (congress venue)
Rates for congress delegates:
Single standard 122 DT including breakfast
Double standard 142 DT including breakfast
Address : Route Soukra, Sfax Tunisia
Phone : + 216 74 676777
Fax : +216 74 677777
Email : borj.dhiafa@tunet.tn
WEB : www.hotel-borjdhiafa.com
- Syphax Hotel
Single standard 105, 800 DT including breakfast
Double standard: 144.400 including breakfast
Address : RTE de SOUKRA KM0.5 3003 Sfax Tunisia
Phone : + 216 74 243333
Fax : + 216 74 245228
Email : Sangho.syphax@planet.tn
- Golden Tulip Sfax
Single standard: 169 DT including breakfast
Address : Avenue Habib Bourguiba BP 544 Sfax Tunisia
Mobile : + 216 22 680702
Phone : + 216 74 225700
Fax + 216 74 225563
Email : adc@goldentulipsfax.com
- OliviersPalace
Single standard: 180 DT including breakfast
Double standard: 240DT including breakfast
Address : Hôtel les oliviers Palace Sfax- Golden Yasmin Hôtel
25 avenue Hédi Chaker 3000 Sfax Tunisia
Phone : +216 74 201999
Fax : +216 74 201888
Email : commercialsfax@goldenyasmin.com
Email : Commercial.sfax@goldenyasmin.com
- Pacha Hotel
Single standard : 80 DT including
Double standard : 130 DT including
Address : Hôtel Pacha, angle avenue
Majida Boulila et route Lafrane
3000 Sfax Tunisia
Phone : + 216 74 464 000
Fax : +216 74 464 030
Email: contact@hotel-pacha.com
- For more information about Hotels in Sfax, please visit the website: Sfax – Federal Hotel Tunisie
Abstract deadline :
The deadline of submitting abstract will be on 31th August 2015 at 11.59 pm.
Please send your abstract via this address: www.medconftools.org
- Poster information:
- Submission of posters will be via this address: medconftools.org: go to: cliquer pour s’authentifier then creer un nouveau compte. Once registered, you can submit your abstract to your account. If you needs information, please contact atneaabstracts@gmail.com.
- Poster presentation details medconstools.com via instructions
- During the session you or one of your co-authors must be at your poster site and be prepared to answer questions.
- Contact :
- Email : neuropediatrietunisie@gmail.com
- FB : ICNA Workshop and 14thTunisian Child Neurology Meeting
Registration form:
ICNA Workshop and 14th Tunisian Child Neurology Meeting
9-10 October 2015
Borj Dhiafa- Sfax- Tunisia
REGISTRATION FORM : you can download this form to your language preference